A Common Myths and Misunderstandings about Shopping for a Sedona Home for Sale
When buying a Sedona Home for Sale let's clear up a misconception right now. - It's best to contact the listing agent because they are familiar with the property. Not true! Their job is to represent the sellers. Does that sound like an agent who will be looking out for your best interests? Buyers will be better served when buying a Sedona Home for sale by avoiding the listing agent and the listing agent's brokerage and selecting a buyer's agent - someone who will represent your interest's in the real estate transaction. Look for a Buyer's Representative, someone who has the accredited Buyer's Representative (ABR) designation. There are a few of us who have that designation in the Sedona Real Estate Market - and I would be happy to represent you! Call, text, or email me here! And remember, make sure YOUR needs are met in the Real Estate Transaction! Happy Buying!
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