Sedona AZ Homes - should I buy now or wait?
Should you buy now or wait? Our market is showing signs of stabilizing slowly - but stabilizing. So I would advise anyone who is looking for the long haul - to buy now. I don't think prices are going up anytime soon - but the house that is priced well, land that is priced great is selling. I am working with a buyer now, you faced a multiple offer on a home that has been on the market for 3 years -however, now, it's priced right! So, If you are looking for your 2nd home, your dream home, (always wanting to live in this beautiful place - but not being able to afford it) you can stop dreaming and buy now! Even the vacant land pricing is great. It has gone up alittle bit since this time last year - but I feel that has occured because your can buy luxury lots in some of Sedona's finest gated communities for the mid 200's. Those same lots a few years ago would of sold upwards in the 500's and 600's. Those lots are causing the upswing in prices. We are also seeing more homes sell in our upper range of 500 - 900K. range. That is good news - for that market in the last recent years stalled completely. Once more, those homes are price driven and have come down so they are now being perceived as "something of value". With the stock market swinging around, the feds not knowing right to left, historically real estate - OVER THE LONG HAUL - is a safe haven. So take the plunge - the water's nice and warm here in Sedona! I can be reached via the web at, via email at, on Facebook become a FAN of Sedona Real Estate, on Linked In, or the old fashioned way - 928-301-0669. Happy Buying! Happy Selling!
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