House Extends Tax Credit, Hoping To Shore Up Market, Including Sedona AZ Homes For Sale
Well, today the House approved the tax credit extension to give home buyers until September 30th to close on eligible properties and still qualify for the home buyer tax credit. The current deadline requires buyers to close by June 30 (tomorrow) in order to qualify. The Senate must still approve the measure - however it will help shore up the staggering delayed housing crisis which continues to plaque this country. Foreclosures Represented 31% of ALL homes sold in the US. And those prices are 27% below the average sold price of non-foreclosures. Hold onto your hats... for we are in for a WILD RIDE. The feds have to do something. I predict that in the Sedona AZ Homes for Sale market place, the Sedona Real Estate Marketplace, and in fact the entire country you will see Foreclosures continue to bring the housing market spiraling down. Realtor com states that "Supporters in the Senate are planning to tack the bill onto one that would extend unemployment benefits, hoping that popularity of the tax credit extension will overcome the Senate's objection to extending unemployment". Basically, we are running out of money. For you seller's - sell, sell, sell, sell, sell. To buy a Sedona Home for Sale, please call or text me at 928-301-0669, visit my website at or find me on Facebook at Barbara Hooyman Baker.
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