Buying a Sedona AZ Home at Auction
Buying a Sedona AZ Home at an auction can be a very terrfic experience IF you KNOW what you are doing. That's it. We don't usually have that many homes at auction like Phoenix. In fact, Sedona AZ Home aren't usually at auction. In the last year (and this is from memory) I would say upward of 2 dozen homes have been sold at auction. Most of the time cash is King. However, many auction houses have partnered up with lenders to obtain financing for qualified buyers. But you will need to have your ducks in a row about your financing BEFORE you put in a bid. You usually buy the house without an inspection period. The times and dates for viewing the house is usally posted on the auction site. And of course you can get in the property and check it over - but you are in all likelihood going to be buying it with inspections. So you will need to have done your due diligence before you purchase at auction. Some auctions are live and some are both live and online. I would suggest to anyone looking to purchase at an auction to go see a few auctions before they step into that realm. The auction houses that I have dealt with have been very helpful and will supply lots of information. And like I said - It can be very rewarding to buy a Sedona AZ Home at Auction IF you know what you are doing. For questions, comments, or to sound off email, facebook, twitter, website, or call me at 928-301-0669
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