Best Buy in the Sedona Real Estate Market? Land HO!
If you are looking for a great buy and hold strategy for the long term for the Sedona Real Estate Market - look at Land. Unlike the Sedona Home Market Place the Vacant Land has not returned to pre bust pricing. The Current Median Sold Price in Sedona of Vacant Land is $130,000 with a three year supply of land in Sedona and a eight year supply of land in the Village of Oak Creek.In the Village of Oak Creek alone the pricing for land stood at $112,000. WOW. Can you say - BUYERS Market! The reasoning that dirt continues to fall is due to the fact that given the fees associated with building - it is still less expensive to buy an existing home than it is to build. There are some beautiful view lots available and if you can hold it for 10 years and want to make some gain in the Sedona Real Estate Market - Land HO! For all your Sedona Real Estate Needs, I can be reached via text, phone or email here!
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