Where there is a Starbucks it's a Great Place to Invest in Real Estate! So Sedona Real Estate is a GREAT Investment

Posted By Barbara Baker @ Apr 10th 2017 5:15am In: Sedona Real Estate

Sedona has 1 Store front Starbucks, and 2 others in existing Sedona Mall.  According to RISMEDIA, there is something called a "Starbucks" Principle".  Franchises like Starbucks have vast resources to dedicate to gathering info on demographics, population growth, and development.  Before a company like Starbucks dedicates a massive resources and capital, they make sure they know everything about the area and it's potential growth.  So with Sedona having 3 Starbucks in West Sedona and Uptown alone - that should be an added tool in purchasing a Sedona Home for Sale.  For all your Sedona Real Estate needs, call, text at 928-301-0669, or email me here!

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